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Exhibitions and records of works of art

Prince Albert recognised the importance of photography to record and document notable exhibitions and works of art


The Virgin and Child with St Anne


Albumen print? | RCIN 2864317

A photograph of a drawing currently in the collection of the Albertina, Vienna (inv. no.201). The drawing, previously attributed to Raphael, is now thought to be a copy after a study by the master.

The photograph shows the Christ Child looking at His mother, while being supported by her with both hands, with St Anne sitting at left.

A copy of this photograph (RCIN 851224) can be found in the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection, portfolio 13 (970572)

  • Creator(s)

    After a work copying Raphael (Urbino 1483-Rome 1520) (artist)

    Attributed to Florence : Alinari (photographer)

  • Acquired by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

  • Subject(s)
    • Religion & Theology
      • Religions and faiths
        • Christianity
          • Devotional Images of Christ
            • Virgin & Child
          • Life of Christ
            • Infancy of Christ
              • Christ Child
  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    Raphael in der Albertina 1983 : aus Anlass des 500. Geburtstages des Künstlers, Vienna 1983 pp.150-51, no.51