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St Paul


Albumen print | 25.2 x 12.6 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 851558

A photograph of a cartoon by Fra Bartolommeo which is now in the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, Florence (inv. no.1782E). The photographed cartoon is thought to be related to a painting by the master depicting Saint Paul now in the Palazzi Vaticani, Vatican City. A photograph of another cartoon by Fra Bartolommeo for the accompanying figure of Saint Peter at RCIN 851557.
  • Creator(s)

    After Fra Bartolomeo (1475-1517) (artist)

  • 25.2 x 12.6 cm (sheet of paper)

  • Acquired for the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)

  • Subject(s)
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Art
        • Drawings
          • Cartoons
  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    pp.129-30, no.76 (Fischer 1986 : Disegni di Fra Bartolommeo e della sua scuola : catalogo a cura di Chris Fischer, 1986 (Gabinetto disegni e stampe degli Uffizi : 66))

    p.731-2, no.1781E (Inventario Uffizi. Disegni Esposti II 1987 : Disegni esposti, vol. 2, 1987 / a cura di Annamaria Petrioli Tofani, Florence (Gabinetto disegni e stampe degli Uffizi) )

    pp.43-44 (Henry/Joannides 2012 : Late Raphael, 2012. Edited by T. Henry and P. Joannides)