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Record of historical events

Victoria and Albert collected photographs that documented the political and military events that defined a period of global expansion


      'Exterior of the House, with the Well, into which the bodies were thrown', The Massacre of Cawnpore


      Albumen print | 13.2 x 20.0 cm (image) | RCIN 2942110.c

      Photograph of a of drawing showing the exterior of the house, including a view of well into which the bodies were thrown during the Massacre of Cawnpore.

      On the mount displaying the photographs is a statement reading: 'Extract of a Letter/ from Dr Mouat to Sir James Clark,/ dated Calcutta, Nov. 10, 1857./ "I sent you photographs of the/ House at Cawnpore in which the/ unfortunate women and children/ were massacred, and a view of the/ Entrenched Camp of General Wheler [sic],/ taken from a sap driven by the/ Mutineers. They are photographed/ from drawings by an officer (Lieut./ Crump) of the Madras Artillery,/ who has since been killed at Lucknow./ Will you kindly present these/ drawings for me to His Royal/ Highness the Prince Consort, as I think they may interest our/ gracious and beloved Sovereign."
      • Creator(s)

        After Crump, Lieutenant, Madras Artillery (fl.1857) (artist)

      • 13.2 x 20.0 cm (image)

        73.3 x 56.0 cm (mount)

      • Presented to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

      • Subject(s)
        • Places
          • Asia
            • India
              • Uttar Pradesh [India]
                • Kanpur [Uttar Pradesh]
        • Social sciences
          • Military affairs
            • Wars, Campaigns & Battles
              • Wars
                • Wars of the nineteenth century
                  • Indian Rebellion (1857-1858)
        • Science, Medicine and Technology
          • Engineering & Technology
            • Civil engineering
              • Earthworks
                • Wells (Structure)
                  • Water wells