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Record of historical events

Victoria and Albert collected photographs that documented the political and military events that defined a period of global expansion


      'Interior of the House in which the Cawnpore Massacre was perpetrated', The Massacre of Cawnpore


      Albumen print | 14.2 x 20.0 cm (image) | RCIN 2942110.b

      Photograph of a drawing of the interior of the house where the Cawnpore Massacre occurred. There are broken pots, books and other objects strewn across the floor.

      On the mount displaying the photographs is a statement reading: 'Extract of a Letter/ from Dr Mouat to Sir James Clark,/ dated Calcutta, Nov. 10, 1857./ "I sent you photographs of the/ House at Cawnpore in which the/ unfortunate women and children/ were massacred, and a view of the/ Entrenched Camp of General Wheler [sic],/ taken from a sap driven by the/ Mutineers. They are photographed/ from drawings by an officer (Lieut./ Crump) of the Madras Artillery,/ who has since been killed at Lucknow./ Will you kindly present these/ drawings for me to His Royal/ Highness the Prince Consort, as I think they may interest our/ gracious and beloved Sovereign."
      • Creator(s)

        After Crump, Lieutenant, Madras Artillery (fl.1857) (artist)

      • 14.2 x 20.0 cm (image)

        73.3 x 56.0 cm (mount)

      • Presented to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

      • Subject(s)
        • Places
          • Asia
            • India
              • Uttar Pradesh [India]
                • Kanpur [Uttar Pradesh]
        • Social sciences
          • Military affairs
            • Wars, Campaigns & Battles
              • Wars
                • Wars of the nineteenth century
                  • Indian Rebellion (1857-1858)